Philadelphia Eagles defeated the New England Patriots, Justin Timberlake tribute to Prince, Janet Jackson nipple, Pink spits gum thanks to the flu
David Montes on 06th Feb

For a couple of hours, a significant part of America tuned in the most televised show of the year: The final of the Super...

Hector Morales on 11th Jul

Yvette Marie Stevens, better known as Chaka Khan, canceled the rest of the shows she had scheduled for this year and entered...

Daniel Contreras on 02nd Jun

Prince’s official cause of death was self-administered Fentanyl, a powerful prescription-drug about 25 to 50 times...

Melany Mejias on 11th May

Court records released on Monday state that a physician who had been treating Prince for opioid addiction arrived at Paisley...

Daniel Francis on 07th May

Amid Prince’s recent passing, Jamie Lee Curtis published an essay commenting her struggle against opiates through the...

Daniel Contreras on 05th May

Prince was supposed to be encouraged to get help by doctors specialized in addiction treatments on April 21, the day of his...

After the death of the pop superstar Prince, his siblings had to dive into court a few days after his passing was announced,...

After Price’s body was found in his home on April 21, authorities are claiming opioid and prescription drugs were found...

Adam Kreller on 27th Apr

Some important characters of the music industry are paying public tribute to Prince in a very personal way, such as the coaches...

Melany Mejias on 22nd Apr

Ramsey, Minnesota – A four-hour autopsy on music superstar Prince was conducted on Friday at the Midwest Medical Examiner’s...