Maria Gabriela Méndez

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A team of underwater archeologists has found human remains in the ancient Roman shipwreck known as Antikythera, which has...

Tinder and Spotify have now become partners in the dating business. On Tuesday the companies announced the new feature in...


Technology giant Google launched on Monday Google Trips new app, which helps world travelers feel more comfortable with...


A group of scientists has confirmed what many might already know, beer makes people happier, more social, enhances levels...

NY, NJ, Bomb suspect

New York City authorities arrested on Monday Ahmad Khan Rahami, the man that is believed to be responsible for the explosion in...

Michelle Obama sat down with former first lady Laura Bush to discuss troubles among military families and veterans who return...

From Instagram to newspapers, the media is filled with pictures of the beautiful harvest moon that happened on Friday night...

Belgium authorities have informed about the assisted death of a seventeen-year-old minor who was suffering from a terminal...


SpaceX recently suffered the explosion of its Falcon 9 rocket on the launch pad and even though they hope to launch again...


On Friday the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) informed that leukemia had been replaced as the leading cause...