Maria Gabriela Méndez

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released their annual recommendations for vaccination against the flu,...

Ted Cruz

The former Republican nominee, Ted Cruz, announced through a Facebook post his support for Donald Trump, even though the...

Snapchat has recently launched a campaign for their latest and first physical product dubbed “Spectacles.” According...

A recent investigation held by the Ohio State University has confirmed that people who face stressful situations in their...


Jim Carrey‘s lawyer has responded to the latest lawsuit against the actor regarding his late girlfriend Cathriona White,...


Space X has provided new information about the massive explosion of their Falcon 9 rocket at their Cape Canaveral launch...

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) announced on Monday a report pledging parents and physicians to stop prescribing...

Disney recently announced the removal of their “Maui costume,” which is part of the company’s most recent...


Geneticists have found thanks to DNA studies that all humans can trace back their origins to a massive expansion that started...

Oscar-winner Jared Leto will be producing a film based on the vanguard artist Andy Warhol, along with big Hollywood names...