Daniel Contreras on 06th Sep

Carlsbad, California – A group of construction workers found several Ice Age Fossils, such as bones of horses and...

Silvia Rojas on 01st Sep

Iowa – Researchers recently found fossils of a giant scorpion-like animal that used to live under the seas hundreds...

Daniel Contreras on 01st Jul

The Cambrian Period of the planet is a unique one, a period characterized by of remarkable evolutionary experimentation when...

Daniel Contreras on 30th Jun

A research has appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences detailing the discovery of an ancient spiky and weird creature around the Yunnan Province, China. The creature, Collinsium ciliosum, existed during the Cambrian Period some 518 million years ago. The creature has a row of spikes along its back, and these help it to filter...

Daniel Contreras on 27th Jun

Scientists have discovered the fossil of a small turtle-like creature they believe explains how turtles came to have the...