Shia LaBeouf highs and lows, Drunk and racist behavior, Borg vs McEnroe, Transformer
Stephanie La Rosa on 14th Mar

At 31 years old, the actor Shia LaBeouf is still figuring himself out. Having worked his entire life as an actor and let...

Shia LabeOuf marries Mia Goth in Las Vegas
Melany Mejias on 11th Oct

Hollywood actor Shia LaBeouf married actress and model Mia Goth at the Viva Las Vegas wedding chapel on Monday. The event...

Daniel Contreras on 27th Apr

New York City – Mario Licato, an art director from Brooklyn assured to be punched in the face due to his resemblance...

Daniel Contreras on 12th Nov

New York — Shia LaBeouf has embarked on a new art project going by #AllMyMovies. Since Tuesday, the 29-year old actor has...