Over the counter painkillers, Opioid crisis in the United States, Opioids vs over-the-counter drugs
David Montes on 10th Nov

It seems that there is no way of stopping the opioid crisis after years of fighting against it. And if it was the case, we...

Jesus Molina on 24th Feb

The last study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed how the United States’ deaths linked...

Daniel Contreras on 22nd Dec

The rapidly evolving market of synthetic opioids has become a constant struggle to identify new drugs trafficked in the...

Jesus Molina on 10th Dec

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Thursday that there have been more heroin-related deaths in the...

How does pain looks like?
Daniel Francis on 28th Jul

Scientists have found a substance that activates pain along the central nervous system, which is also able to decrease pain...

Daniel Francis on 07th Jun

A recent stream of overdoses due to ingestion of loperamide has led the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue a warning...

Irene Rondon on 06th Jun

According to a preliminary review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Pfizer’s long-acting opioid painkiller...

Daniel Contreras on 02nd Jun

Prince’s official cause of death was self-administered Fentanyl, a powerful prescription-drug about 25 to 50 times...

Daniel Francis on 19th May

On 2014, the D.C. Department of Health has reported at least 116 deaths stemming from abuse of a prescription or illicit...

Daniel Contreras on 12th May

An over-the-counter anti-diarrhea drug is being consumed by opioid addicts in the United States. Research shows how two patients...