Mitch McConnell
Daniel Francis on 09th Nov

Congressional Republicans announced to enact quick actions to push forward Donald Trump’s agenda, taking advantage of the...

Melany Mejias on 20th Aug

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump announced Friday in a statement that campaign chairman Paul Manafort resigned...

A recent report filled by a House Republican task force, claims that the Pentagon’s Central Command (CENTCOM) manipulated...


GOP candidate, Donald J. Trump stated on Wednesday in an interview his views on supporting U.S. allies in the North Atlantic...

Daniel Francis on 07th Jul

Trump’s campaign associates stated that the Republican candidate managed to raise a grand total of $51 million, which...

The Republican candidate, Donald Trump is making headlines again, this time, concerning his spent of campaign resources on...

Daniel Contreras on 19th Jun

Las Vegas, Nevada — Donald Trump on Saturday claimed most of the money he has been collecting at his recent fundraisers...

Daniel Contreras on 06th May

Former Florida Governor, Jeb Bush, has refused to support the presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump for president in...

Melany Mejias on 04th May

Ohio Gov. John Kasich will put an end to his presidential race on Wednesday afternoon, a senior advisor informed, as reported...

Adam Kreller on 18th Apr

The front-runner for the presidency of the United States of America Donald Trump needs to win about 61 percent of the remaining...