Alzheimer, disease, dementia

Every year, people all over the world are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, one of the main causes of dementia. The...

Melany Mejias on 30th Sep

A new smell test has been conducted to identify people at higher risk of dementia, a collection of diseases that commonly...

Hypertension management, increased physical activity, and cognitive training patients could potentially prevent Alzheimer's disease. Image credit: Reader's Digest
Daniel Francis on 23rd Jun

According to a new study by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, treating conditions that appear...

Image credit: Falls of Sound
Adriana Bello on 22nd Jun

A new report suggests that cognitive training, blood pressure management for people with hypertension, and increased physical...


The 61-year-old lawmaker, Rep. Steve Holland, announced on the House Chambers at the Capitol in Jackson, Mississippi, Friday...

Elderly adult/Senior
Daniel Contreras on 21st Nov

A new investigation studied over 21,000 U.S. adults 65 years or older to analyze their dementia prevalence between 2000 and...

Elderly woman drinking coffee
Daniel Francis on 06th Oct

Researchers discovered that daily consumption of caffeine helps reduce the incidence of dementia in elderly women. The ideal...

Alzheimer's 1
Daniel Francis on 14th Aug

The menstrual pain drug fenamate protects mice against Alzheimer’s disease, reversing brain inflammation and memory...

Rocio Mateos on 25th Jul

Toronto – Disappearing memory is not the earliest sign of Alzheimer’s. The disease could be detected at its earliest...

A recent investigation has proven that palliative care is often offered to patients suffering from cancer or dementia, but...