Charlie and his father, Chris. Image credit: Featureworld / Metro
Adriana Bello on 04th Jul

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A Rome pediatric hospital owned by the Vatican just offered...

Most military service members discharged for misconduct are diagnosed with some sort of mental health disorder at some point during their career. Image credit: ABC News
Daniel Francis on 16th May

According to a study by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), most military service members discharged for misconduct...

WHO's Depression: Let's Talk
Adriana Bello on 07th Apr

In light of the World Health Day, the World Health Organization decided to dedicate the day focusing on depression, a condition...


It seems as if President Trump is disappointed due to the recent events that involve the Freedom Caucus and the defeat of...

Jesus Molina on 10th Mar

Republicans at the House of Representatives presented this Monday the new proposal to repeal Obamacare. Among the things...

Fat-shaming people into losing weight was proven to have the reverse effect, according to a new study made at the University...

Geraldine Chacon on 23rd Oct

Three out of four people are not in their best mental health shape and have experienced symptoms of poor mental health, according...

Daniel Contreras on 23rd Oct

Mental Health of America released its annual State of Mental Health Report that ranks all states of America based on mental...

Daniel Francis on 18th Oct

Researchers determined that children in the U.S. foster care system are more likely to suffer emotional and physical health...

Mike Pence
Daniel Contreras on 18th Sep

Following Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine making public a few details of their medical records, Trump’s running...