As we age, our bodies experience a number of changes which affect our overall quality of life. These changes, though natural, can lower the level of satisfaction we feel and compromise our physical well being. Much of how we feel both physically and emotionally results from a hormonal balance, which if off, can result in many unpleasant physiological changes. Hormones play a pivotal role in regulating our emotions and physical health. As men and women age, a decrease in specific hormones can result in negative symptoms and a decrease in general life satisfaction.

What's Causing My Low Testosterone?

Even before a woman enters menopause, she may experience a significant decrease in the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. The decrease in these hormones compromises both physical and mental health. Although typically associated with men, testosterone is an important hormone in the overall regulation of female health, as well. Testosterone naturally decreases with age and can result in a myriad of unpleasant health issues for women. Symptoms of low testosterone can include sluggishness, muscle weakness, fatigue, restlessness, decreased libido, weight gain, reproductive issues, and decreased bone density. These symptoms are more than a nuisance and can significantly lower the quality of life for women as they age.

Fortunately, there are options available for women to increase testosterone and counter the negative effects resulting from a lack of this hormone. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is an option for women experiencing decreases in not only estrogen and progesterone but also testosterone. The symptoms associated with a hormonal imbalance no longer have to be considered as a natural effect of aging. Hormone replacement therapy can help correct the imbalance and reverse the effects of decreased testosterone.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy works by righting the levels that have decreased with age, and these hormones are bioidentical, or the same as, the hormones a female body naturally produces. Introduction of these hormones is administered in typically three ways including topical creams, pills, and pellets. Topical creams are carefully formulated by dose and are rubbed into the skin, subsequently entering the bloodstream. Pills are similar to birth control pills taken orally, but the dosage needs to be carefully determined as much of the hormone is broken down by the liver. Pellets, typically administered for testosterone, are placed in the hip and deliver a constant stream of the hormone over several months.

The administration of BHRT must be monitored by medical professionals to ensure the correct dosage and administration of the hormones. In discussions with your doctor, you can determine the most comfortable method of hormone administration. As your body has naturally begun to decrease hormone levels, BHRT will need to be maintained consistently to ensure that hormone levels remain constant and effective. Many women begin to notice significant positive changes approximately two weeks after beginning BHRT. Regular consultations with medical professionals will ensure that you are receiving the most benefit from hormone replacement therapy.

Premenopausal women, women going through menopause, and women who have experienced ovary, adrenal, or pituitary gland dysfunction can all experience low hormone levels. Decreased hormone levels can result in a host of unpleasant physical and mental symptoms that can be reversed through the administration of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. A consultation with your doctor will determine if you are a good candidate for BHRT. You do not have to endure these side effects of aging. Through BHRT, you can reverse the decreased levels of hormones and regain the vitality in your life.