The dating application Tinder was concerned about making the matching experience even more satisfactory, so to improve the service, they released a new update in which they made a shift in its matching algorithm.
The update launched by the company, expanded the information on user profiles, adding “job” and “education” campus to the profiles, allowing users “to make more informed choices” when deciding whether to swipe left, right or up. Based on the company, these two features were the most requested from users when they were asked for feedback by Tinder, as Tinder’s Blog states.

Job and education information will be pulled from a user’s Facebook profile, but is optional for the app and can be slightly edited.
CEO Sean Rad said to Business Insider that this update will make Tinder more true to the way we meet people in real life. “Job” and “Education” are often two big factors people use to decide whether they want to go on a date with someone.
“I think the thing that has shocked me [in developing Tinder] is that when it comes to establishing an initial impression, there’s a very finite set of things we look at to decide whether we want to have a conversation with someone. ‘How you look—and what that says about your personality. Common connections. Career. Education.’ 90% of it comes down to that, and sociologists will tell you the rest is sort of diminishing value. People know that instinctively but don’t like to admit it,” he said, based on Gigaom.
As it’s known, the current messages tab only shows a list of the people that you’ve matched/chatted with, but this update will now bring users a reorganized view of the messages sent through its service, simplifying the messaging experience and making sure that users are not overwhelmed in the messaging interface. The app will separate into different sections the conversations from people who have responded to each other and messages that haven’t been responded.
To improve even more the matching decisions, Tinder will also now display the most relevant information about potential matches, showing a “smart” dynamic text that will appear below the photo, this text will highlight what’s common between the two users.
Tinder said it has improved their algorithm to make better matches overall. It noted that the new features like the “Super like,” and now professional and educational profiles data, are helping to make a more accurate suggestion engine. But in this case, data can’t always be a good thing, because by connecting people who have much in common, the data could be killing some of the spontaneity Tinder is recognized for.
Source: Gigaom