Nathalie Fernandez on 09th Apr

The first uterus transplant made in the United States failed due to a yeast infection, a fungus called Candida albicans,...

Daniel Contreras on 09th Mar

On Wednesday, March 9, doctors at the Cleveland Clinic announced that the first woman to receive a transplanted uterus in...

Irene Rondon on 27th Feb

The first uterus transplant in the United States has been performed at the Cleveland Clinic, offering new hopes to women...

Daniel Contreras on 09th Jan

Organ transplant recipients (SOTRs) might have a higher risk of dying from cancer, according to findings published on Thursday...

Melany Mejias on 07th Dec

BALTIMORE – Doctors from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore are planning to perform experimental...

Melany Mejias on 14th Nov

Cleveland – For the first time in the United States, women with Uterine Factor Infertility (UFI) will receive uterine transplants...

Daniel Contreras on 13th Oct

A new study discovered a gene-editing method that could make pig organs suitable for humans transplants. Scientists used...

Gabriela Cardona on 04th Oct

London, UK – After the success of Swedish doctors, a total of 10 womb transplants will be completed as part of a clinical...

Silvia Rojas on 28th Jul

For the first time in history, doctors were finally able to do a transplant of both hands and forearms to a child. The patient...