Geraldine Chacon on 28th Aug

The Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and Massachusets Institute of Technology (MIT) have been working...

Daniel Contreras on 19th Jul

Cleveland- A group of scientists at Case Western Reverse University combined tissues from a sea slug with flexible 3-D parts...

Irene Rondon on 19th Mar

Nowadays, we are all familiar with the concept of 3D technology. There are new machines that help create full 3D objects from scratch. They have innovated the scientific and medical fields in many ways, but now, they have also caused a huge impact in the fashion world. The 3D printers are famous for creating bladders, pieces of other machines, or even...

Emmanuel Ferreira on 19th Oct

Riverside, California – A bikini, partly printed in 3D, is capable of cleaning the pollution out of the water in which...

Emmanuel Ferreira on 11th Oct

NASA announced the two winners of their 3-D printed container contest, in partnership with the American Society of Mechanical...

Silvia Rojas on 19th Jul

Hunan, China – A team of doctors fashioned a 3D printed titanium skull implant to a baby girl’s skull to reshape...

Daniel Contreras on 11th Jul

Scientists have created a 3-D printed robot that is made with a rigid core and a soft exterior. A robot that transitions...