A new study held by Dr. Maria Wahlström in Sweden has proven that patients that suffer from paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AFib) and the stress associated with the condition can benefit from yoga practices. Other patients that benefit from the healthy practice are high blood pressure patients.
Atrial Fibrillation is a heart disease that disturbs the rhythm of the heart and it causes the beats of the organ to go, either too fast or too slow. Making the patient suffer from an irregular syncopates heart rhythm.
People who have AFib also suffer from constant chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath and episodes of fibrillation. Patients tend to feel naturally feel stressed or anxious when these symptom increase.

They study was based in 80 patients diagnosed with the disease, 40 patients were randomly selected to a standard treatment for AFib combined with yoga lessons while the other group just received treatment for the disease for a 12 week period.
The researchers studied the 12-week treatment based on the quality of life, blood pressure and heart rate with scans and surveys. The results of the research concluded that there was a significant difference in the quality of life and mental health scores of those patients who attended to yoga lessons
At the end of the study the patients that attended yoga lessons had a significantly lower heart rate and blood pressure. Researchers concluded that the light movements and deep breathing in yoga may lead to an improvement of the quality of life. Also helping in mental health tranquility and lower blood pressure. Assuring that yoga could be an official treatment method for patients suffering from AFib.
Other studies and researches have proven that yoga practices can benefit both patients and healthy individuals in their quality of life, also, it can benefit them in ways such as bettering bone health, prevention of cartilage and joint breakdown, increasing of blood flow and lowers blood sugar, promoting a healthy lifestyle between others.
Source: European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing