It’s pretty standard that people decide to eat cold, or microwaved pizza, the morning after they spend really good times with friends and drinks. And knowing it’s such a delicious hangover breakfast, it’s very likely that they eat more than a simple slice. Thanks to blogger and dietitian Chelsey Amer, we don’t have to worry anymore about how unhealthy that food can be to our body. As she said in her Monday interview, eating pizza on mornings can be actually healthier than eating a bowl of cereal with milk.
As practically said in her own words, a greasy slice of pizza is a great breakfast due to all the properties the food supplies to our body. We don’t have to overthink about the fats we would also be consuming, anymore.
If we ate pizza in the morning, we would still be having all the rest of the day to burn it – by exercising, of course. Not sitting on the couch and watching TV.

Amer, in the interview she gave the Daily Meal, didn’t say that the overall pizza was healthy and beneficial to our system. This one still has a lot of calories, and eating it in significant amounts might lead us to heart diseases. However, according to what she meant, those properties that a slice of pizza has make it more balanced, and improve our energy more than those properties found in a typical bowl of cereal with milk.
In other words, pizza is more balanced in the morning than one of the most typical breakfasts in America.
“You may be surprised to find out that an average slice of pizza and a bowl of cereal with whole milk contain nearly the same amount of calories,” Amer said during the Monday interview. “However, pizza packs a much larger protein punch, which will keep you full and boost satiety throughout the morning. Plus, a slice of pizza contains more fat and much less sugar than most cold cereals, so you will not experience a quick sugar crash.”
We want to make clear that we are not opening your favorite pizza store’s doors and telling you to visit it every day, at every hour. Other experts assure that Amer is a little bit heavy on flakes when they also can be pretty healthy to humans – sometimes, even healthier than the beloved pizza.
Making cereal healthier
New York-based dietitian Keri Gans told The Post that cereal could be the perfect breakfast if it were also eaten in proper proportions. According to her, flakes could “absolutely” be a vehicle for “getting important nutrients” into the morning diest. This way, people would be starting their day “off right.”
Gans said that humans needed first to choose the “right cereal,” exactly the one packed with fiber. This could help them keep their appetite in check, “lower cholesterol, and control blood sugar.”

Likewise, she also recommended people to look over the box and read the cereal’s properties. If it had 3 grams of sugar or fewer, and at least 6 grams of fiber, they would be doing it great.
The second advice was the top people like to add to the cereal. According to her, berries, chopped apples, bananas, nuts, and seeds, would be good options because they are “rich in vitamins.” Also, they could be able to mix it with yogurt.
This way, people would be finding plenty of nutrition in a simple bowl of cereal – way more than what they would find in a pizza slice.
“Whilst it is true pizza can be a well balanced meal containing carbs, protein and essential fats, that is not to say it is a healthier breakfast choice than cereal,” Harley Street nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert explained to The Independent. “Labelling certain meals can sometimes be unhelpful and what we should really be focusing on is the nutritional content of our food choices, instead of its calorie count. This is because not all calories are equal.”
Everything depends on the amount
4g sugar per cube of cereal is nearly 15g of sugar per serving. This practically is the half amount of sugar that adults should eat in their days, as doctors use to recommend. However, there’s a lot of people who eat a 40g serving of cereal.
According to Lambert, a great and healthy breakfast needs to have a “substantial amount of proteins,” and practically none of the flakes does it.
However, there are a lot of cereals on the market that are “good sources of wholegrain carbohydrates and rich in fiber.” Fiber, as the expert said, is something commonly lacking in adults’ daily meals.

A simple slice of Pizza Hut, on the other hand, has 290 calories and 11 grams of fat, but also 13 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber – according to its website.
Regular pizza could also have sodium and sugar.
“While pizza can be a healthier choice per se, you may be giving most people an open window here of really amping up sodium, carbohydrates and fat early in the morning and setting oneself up for failure throughout the day,” said Melissa Rifkin, a bariatric dietitian at the Montefiore Medical Center in New York.
People could think about healthier pizzas. Veggies pizza, for example, are green and untraditional and could also be very practical to eat in every meal.
Source: The Daily Meal