Mike Pence
Daniel Contreras on 18th Sep

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Following Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine making...

Michelle Obama sat down with former first lady Laura Bush to discuss troubles among military families and veterans who return...

Hillary FBI
Daniel Contreras on 15th Sep

After being caught on tape almost unable to walk during the 9/11 memorial, Hillary Clinton had to admit she had been diagnosed...

Obama Putin G20
Daniel Francis on 06th Sep

U.S. intelligence officials are investigating Russia‘s possible attempts of spreading misinformation that could have...

Syrian Refugees
Daniel Francis on 29th Aug

The 10,00oth Syrian refugee will reach American soil on Monday, as the White House expects to resettle the immigrants fleeing...

Nykea Aldridge, a 32-year old woman, died on Chicago’s streets after being accidentally shot in the head while pushing...

Daniel Contreras on 27th Aug

Nancy Wirths, 49, from northern Wichita, Kansas, received a disturbing note in the mail early this week, which contained...

Daniel Contreras on 24th Aug

JAMA published an analysis on U.S. drug prices that concluded that Americans are paying more than double in medicines regarding...

Hillary hack
Daniel Contreras on 23rd Aug

Hillary Clinton may lead the polls, but she is again under fire regarding donations to the Clinton Foundation and her private...

Daniel Contreras on 23rd Aug

US President Barack Obama visited Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Tuesday, August 23, after his vacation in Martha’s Vineyard. Obama...