Twitter’s co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey, had his Twitter account hacked on the middle of the night by security group Our Mine, becoming one more of the CEO’s hacked A-list group.
At 2:50 a.m., July 9, Dorsey’s Twitter account released a message that read “Hey, it’s OurMine, we are testing your security,” with a link to their security website. The same message that has appeared on other hacked accounts.

After a few moments, Dorsey’s tweet was erased from his profile, but a Vine clip was tweeted and then deleted. Technology experts claim the CEO’s account was hacked because it had a similar password that his Vine account.
Twitter had already made security measures stronger after last month’s incident in which some accounts had their passwords leaked by different hackers groups.
Dorsey hasn’t commented on the hacking, yet this is not the first time a high-profile CEO account is hacked. Recently Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai had his Quora account hack for a few moments by the same group.
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO and creator, experienced the same happening just last month when his Twitter and Pinterest account was hacked. OurMine group took responsibility for the happening.
Zuckerberg’s Twitter account released a message saying “Hey you were in Linkedin database with the password dadada! DM for proof..” The CEO’s Pinterest account read on his bio “Hacked By OurMine Team”.
Jack Dorsey's Twitter account was hacked
— The Verge (@verge) July 9, 2016
OurMine group
The group responsible for the latest hacking’s claims to be an online security group proving by their hackings anyone’s account is vulnerable. Some are calling the happenings an “intelligent piece of marketing.”
Our Mine’s website has a press release section in which they informed which accounts they have hacked. On July 9, they published a small piece reporting Dorsey’s account was hacked.
The group offers four services to any user to prove if their account or website is vulnerable or not. Through their PayPal account, the group charges $30 to scan social media accounts, that include Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
The group charges $1,000 to scan vulnerabilities for websites, and $150 to scan accounts for all websites and monthly report the user’s accounts. To check for all staffs in company’s scan the company’s website and the app, the group charges $5,000.
Some pieces of advice to protect a personal account is using a different password for every social media. The website Engadget recommends using a password manager called LastPass, and assuring the recovery information on the website is valid.
Source: Engadget