New York – A recent analysis by researchers from the Columbia University (CU) discovered that a collision between two black holes could take place earlier than previously predicted. The researchers claimed that the crash course of both black holes can happen in 100,000 years.
The new calculations provided by Daniel D’Orazio, graduate from Columbia University and lead author of study, were published in the Nature Journal of science, and was called “Relativistic boost as the cause of periodicity in a massive black-hole binary candidate.”

Previous predictions
Last year, astronomers from Caltech estimated that a pair of supermassive black holes named – quasar PG-1302-102 – were going to collide in 250,000 years. Suggesting that such event could create a chaotic scenario in a galaxy that is 3.5 billion light years away – specifically the Virgo constellation. Furthermore, the pair of black holes are barely a light week away, although it may seem like a huge distance, it is a quite close range regarding to space standards.
The astronomers calculated that both black holes colliding into each other could deliver as much energy as 100 million supernova explosions “mostly in the form of violent ripples in space-time known as gravitational waves that would blow the stars out of that hapless galaxy like leaves off a roof.” as New York Times reported.
New analysis
Recently, D’Orazio along with current students from CU, provided new calculations that suggested different figures. According to their predictions, the event could take place in 100,000 years.
Due to the black holes closeness, researchers hypothesized that one of them had to orbit the other at a 10th of the speed of light. Also, as they predicted, a five year cycle in the pair’s ultraviolet emissions was found. The researchers proceeded to estimate and combine the relative mass of both supermassive black holes to reduce the timescale of the previous predicted collision by Caltech, which resulted on a reduced scale of 150,000 years.
Einstein’s theory could be proven
Additionally, when the crash happens it will be determinant for future astronomers, because it will provide them the necessary information to prove if the gravitational waves predicted by Albert Einstein is correct
“The detection of gravitational waves lets us probe the secrets of gravity and test Einstein’s theory in the most extreme environment in our universe’s black holes. – Getting there is a holy grail of our field.” said D’Orazio.
Source: The New York Times