Maria Fernanda Guanipa

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Lynparza, a drug developed by AstraZeneca, can help slow down the progression of advanced breast cancer, according to a...

Image credit: Poder PDA

Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) will be held on June 05 in San Jose, California, where thousands of developers...

Image credit: NASA Youtube Channel

NASA reprogrammed the launch of a rocket that was to release blue-green artificial clouds. It was set to be launched from...

Death cap is one of the most dangerous mushrooms in the world. Image credit: Alamy / Huffpost

The Centers for Disease  Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that there were 14 death cap poisoning cases last December...

Thomas Rutledge

CEOs at the most important U.S. companies got an 8.5 percent raise in their paychecks last year, according to a study made...

Gray Death, Opioid Overdose

The opioid crisis has worsened in Ohio. Overdose deaths increased 36 percent compared to the numbers recorded in 2015. According...

Sleep Insomnia

Sleep deprivation makes the brain eat itself, increasing the chances of chronic sleep loss and the development of Alzheimer’s...

A free sample of Bayer suramin powder.

According to a new investigation, Suramin could be the cure for autism. This century-old drug has been used to treat the...

Artist’s impression of the European Extremely Large Telescope

The construction of the European Southern Observatory’s Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) has begun in the Chilean desert,...

NASA, Solar Eclipse

NASA’s Solar Dynamic Observatory saw a partial solar eclipse in space on May 25. It all happened as the moon passed in...