Democratic state Representative Mary Lou Marzian has introduced a bill that would force married men to meet some requirements before purchasing erectile dysfunction drugs.
According to the filled bill by Marzian, men would require at least two office visits and a sworn statement on their marriage before a doctor can prescribe them erectile dysfunction medication.

The democrat representative’s proposal was a response to a bill passed last week, requiring women to consult with a doctor 24 hours before an abortion. The bill, signed by Kentucky’s Republican Governor Matt Bevin was what boosted the proposal filled by Marzian, according to the Courier-Journal. As the current laws state such a personal intervention in women’s medical decisions, Marzian seeks to return the favor for men, giving a detailed plan to achieve her goal.
“I want to protect these men from themselves,” said Marzian to the Courier-Journal. “This is about family values,” she added.
It’s important to stand out the bill passed with 92 “yes”, and representative Mary Lou Marzian was one of the three members of the Kentucky House to vote against it. Ms. Marzian is an abortion rights supporter, known to disagree with the government when it comes to interfering with people’s medical decisions. If the bill is passed, men in Kentucky could soon have to get a note from their wives before being allowed to purchase Viagra, or Cialis.
The main focus of Marzian is to get awareness of how women have to jump through a series of humiliating hoops before getting an abortion. Ms. Marzian can only speculate on how men would feel if the government was injecting itself into their private medical decisions. She also plans to introduce a bill regarding gun safety control. The bill would state that gun-buyers would require to get counseling from victims of gun violence 24 hours before the purchase.
“We’re very ‘family values’ in the Kentucky General Assembly – they are all awash in Christian family values, so that’s why I put that part in there that erectile pills can only be used in a marital relationship,” said Rep. Mary Lou Marzian.
Marzian admitted that the bill is a pointed response to several anti-abortion measures in the current legislative session, and pointed out that her bill is more symbolic than anything else. Yet, in an interview with the Courier-Journal she said she isn’t done introducing provocative proposals. Marzian states that she’s only making sure the government is taking care of people’s safety.
Source: The Washington Post