Ted Cruz

The former Republican nominee, Ted Cruz, announced through a Facebook post his support for Donald Trump, even though the...

Ted Cruz
Daniel Francis on 22nd Jul

Earlier this Thursday, Ted Cruz let go of a pledge of his endorsement to Donald Trump amid the Republican National Convention. “That...

Daniel Contreras on 07th Jul

Washington – After a private meeting with Donald Trump on Thursday, it was announced that Senator Ted Cruz, Trump’s...

Geraldine Chacon on 10th May

After dropping the presidential race, Ted Cruz went back to Washington in order to reactivate his role as a Republican Senator. The...

Daniel Contreras on 20th Apr

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton won the New York Democratic primaries on Tuesday, with approximately 57.9 percent...

Nathalie Fernandez on 11th Apr

Donald Trump’s campaign was affected after the results of Colorado’s GOP delegate’s election last Sunday, April 10,...

Daniel Contreras on 06th Apr

On Tuesday night, Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders defeated the Republican front-runner Donald Trump and the Democratic front-runner...

Daniel Contreras on 07th Mar

On Sunday, an unknown suspect shot Tim Remington, a local pastor, after Ted Cruz’s campaign rally where the victim was...

Melany Mejias on 29th Feb

Super Tuesday is likely to be a huge day for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, who lead in a CNN/ORC national poll released...

Maria Jose Inojosa on 23rd Feb

Washington – After South Carolina caucus on Saturday night, Republican Presidential candidate Jeb Bush suspended his campaign...