Surgut officers after the attack. Image Credit: Вася Аллибабаевич / The Independent

A man attacked pedestrians with a knife in the central street of the northern Russian city of Surgut. At least seven people...

Image Credit: Alexey Nikolsky. AFP/Getty Images
Adriana Bello on 05th Aug

Russian President Vladimir Putin spent his vacations in the Siberian wilderness. The Kremlin released some pictures of the...

Daniel Contreras on 07th Nov

Nature has filled a Siberian beach with natural snowballs, being the smallest the size of a tennis ball and the biggest ones...

The previous survey holds evidence for the Copenhagen study, which confirms the corridor was in fact, biologically un-viable for ancient Americans to survive.

A team of researchers made a discovery that disputes the long-lasting theory of how humans arrived in America. It would...

Melany Mejias on 29th Mar

Mistakenly known as “Siberian unicorns”, a rhino-like species called Elasmotherium sibiricum survived for hundreds of...