flu season, disease, vaccine

As this year marks the 100th anniversary of the flu pandemic that took the lives of 675,000 citizens in the US, doctors are...

West Nile Virus, Disease, Mosquito

Several cases of West Nile Virus have risen in the US, leading to numerous deaths. Among the states that have reported fatal...

Alzheimer, disease, dementia

Every year, people all over the world are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, one of the main causes of dementia. The...

Happy woman in Winter
Daniel Contreras on 11th Dec

A new Harvard study shows that optimistic women have a reduced risk of dying from several diseases including cancer, heart...

Residents from Flint, Michigan, are facing a new outbreak that’s threatening their health and exposing them to dangerous...

Daniel Contreras on 25th Sep

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Dr. Priscilla Chan announced Wednesday they would fund $3 billion to scientific...

A recent investigation has proven that palliative care is often offered to patients suffering from cancer or dementia, but...

Daniel Francis on 02nd Jun

The use of marijuana has been widely discussed in recent years. Thanks to a study, it has been found that the only physical...

Summer is almost here and with the hot sunny days comes tick season. Authorities and health experts are providing necessary...

Melany Mejias on 24th May

Just 1 in 20 terminally ill cancer patients are completely aware of their prognosis, a study published Monday in the Journal...