Daniel Francis on 19th Feb

Based on evidence that organic molecules can exist in meteorites, researchers analyzed and found organic compounds within...

Daniel Francis on 16th Dec

According to researchers, the dwarf planet Ceres has plentiful deposits of water ice, mainly on its surface and subsurface. Ceres...

Rocio Mateos on 28th Jul

Scientists have found out there are not any big craters in dwarf planet Ceres’ surface. Instead, there are only craters...


NASA’s discovery mission Dawn has recently found ice craters on a dwarf planet called Ceres. It appears the rocky planet...

Rocio Mateos on 05th Jul

Washington – After the Dawn spacecraft completed its primary mission at the dwarf planet Ceres, the engineering team of...

Daniel Contreras on 01st Jul

Scientists are trying to discover what it is inside of the bright spots on Ceres, a dwarf planet discovered in 1801. Thanks...

Melany Mejias on 20th Apr

Bizarre craters have been found on the dwarf planet located between Mars and Jupiter, Ceres. NASA’s Dawn space probe...

Melany Mejias on 23rd Mar

NASA’s Dawn spacecraft has given scientists on Earth the first close-up of the bright spots on dwarf planet Ceres, meaning...

Emmanuel Ferreira on 03rd Oct

After months analyzing high resolution images of the topography of the surface of the asteroid Ceres, NASA scientists are...

Daniel Contreras on 08th Jun

NASA has released an animated video of the dwarf planet Ceres. The video is based on images taken by the Dawn spacecraft...