The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Haystack Observatory.

Astronomers are attempting to capture the very first photograph of a black hole. To achieve this, they will use a system...

Jesus Molina on 13th Dec

Until last year, astronomers believed that what they saw on late 2015 was the biggest and brightest supernova ever registered....

Black Holes

NASA’s Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) have been able to find a chorus of black holes for the first time....

Daniel Contreras on 17th Jun

Astronomers have shed light on the mystery surrounding the magnetically powered jets produced by the supermassive black holes...

Daniel Contreras on 16th Jun

An international team of researchers has detected gravitational waves from a black hole for the second time in science history....

Daniel Contreras on 08th Jun

Dr. Stephen Hawking has theorized that data can escape from black holes due to zero-energy particles located in the horizon...

Hector Morales on 24th May

A team of astrophysics led by Fabio Pacucci, from the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) in Pisa, Italy might have discovered...

Irene Rondon on 25th Feb

It is believed that there is a black hole in the center of our Milky Way and maybe in few years we would be able to see actual...

Luisa Blessing on 23rd Oct

NASA revealed a beautiful animation video of what happens to a star if they get too close to a black hole or as astronomers...

Emmanuel Ferreira on 29th Sep

After eleven years of looking for gravitational waves, which are created when two black holes merge, scientists say that...