Daniel Contreras on 27th Apr

The Democratic Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump obtained the majority of votes on the Tuesday presidential primaries....

The United States presidential elections of 2016 are scheduled for Tuesday, November 8, and since February 1 of the current...

Melany Mejias on 16th Apr

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders traveled to the Vatican to hold a conference on social, economic and environmental...

Daniel Contreras on 14th Apr

Tonight the democratic candidates for the presidency of the United States face off in the last debate scheduled for this...

Daniel Contreras on 07th Apr

Bernie Sander’s campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, said that if her primary competitor Hillary Clinton fails to reach a majority...

Maria Jose Inojosa on 03rd Apr

New York – Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said yes to participate in an upcoming debate to be hosted...

New York-  Clinton and Sanders continue on the democratic dispute. Brian Fallon, who is Clinton’s press secretary, has...

Daniel Contreras on 28th Feb

On Saturday Hillary Clinton won the South Carolina presidential primaries against her adversary Bernie Sanders, with a 78...

Maria Jose Inojosa on 27th Feb

Charleton, South Carolina – Democrats are now voting in South Carolina to decide who will be the democrat candidate...

Melany Mejias on 12th Feb

MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin – After a 22-points loss in New Hampshire’s primaries, Hillary Clinton will face Senator Bernie...