For starters, having your employees work longer office hours will not necessarily mean that you will achieve better efficiency. If you are looking into ways of upping employee efficiency in your workplace, you will have to invest a bit more creativity. The first step involves creating the right work environment, sharing your business goals, and celebrating small achievements to improve morale.

Female Employee in a Business Meeting

The second step involves putting in place strategies that help improve employee productivity while saving time. Below are a few tips you can implement in your office setup to improve employee efficiency.

Consider Delegating

While this strategy seems obvious enough, in many cases, it is one of the most difficult to implement. Your business is your baby, so you would like to have a say in everything that happens in it. While prioritizing quality is critical, taking on every detail yourself can be a huge time waster.

Instead, consider giving responsibilities to your qualified employees and trust that they will complete them competently. Doing this offers employees a chance to better their skills as well as gain some leadership experience that’s for the benefit of the business. After all, you did hire them because they were qualified for the position!

Effective Communication

One of the most effective keys to improving your workforce productivity is effective communication. Fortunately, technology makes communication between individuals as simple as a single touch or click, which means the current forms of communication are efficient, right? Unfortunately, this is not true since reading and responding to emails can take up as much as 28 percent of your employee’s time.

Apart from email, you can also use networking tools like Slack, which are designed to hasten communication among teams. At the same time, encourage employees to adopt the antiquated art of voice-to-voice communication instead of sending back and forth long emails.

Match Tasks to Employee Skills

Understanding your employees’ behaviors and skills is critical if you are considering maximizing office efficiency. For instance, a creative and extroverted thinker will be of great use while pitching ideas to your clients. On the other hand, he or she may find it difficult to work on tasks that are detail-oriented.

Services such as those of can help you find out if an employee is suited to play certain roles in the office. If not, you can always find somebody else with a better set of skills for the position.

Cut Excesses

Study your employees’ routine and if there is something you can remove from their to-do lists, do it. This strategy will help your employee focus better on high-priority assignments. For instance, remove the word count requirement for daily reports sent to supervisors.

Create Employee Incentives

A great way to encourage employee efficiency is by offering them a reason. Your employees will feel encouraged and appreciated whenever you recognize them for work well done, increasing productivity along the way. However, while looking into rewarding efficiency, you need to consider personal preferences.

For instance, employee A may feel better being appreciated in public, while employee B is overjoyed with a simple thank you. In addition to words, consider incentives such as a bonus or raise, or a note recognizing their great work. Other options include allowing your employee to arrive late on Monday, copying the thank you note to their boss, and creating a wellness program in the office.


Your employees are a major asset in the business. They play a pivotal role in the realization of your business’ objectives and success, ensuring competitivity in the business world. This is why you should implement some of the strategies above to maximize efficiency.