Minnesota – Officials from the St. Cloud State University confirmed that Earl H. Potter III had died yesterday in a car accident. The University posted the information on its website and its social media at 1:15 a.m. today. According to the data, the man was on his way to a meeting with the SCSU Foundation chair board when he had the accident. The community is shocked, and both the university’s staff and the students are grieving the loss. They all have expressed their support towards the family via Twitter and other social media.
According to an official report from the Minnesota State Patrol, Potter was driving a Toyota 4 Runner headed East on Interstate 694 when it suddenly lost control going off the road and hit the guardrail. For a moment, the vehicle seemed to regain control and got back on the main road where it almost hit another car. To avoid the impact, the car brusquely turned left, but it lost stability and started flipping until it hit the cable barriers coming to a rather violent stop.

The Minnesota State Patrol official record says the incident occurred at 5:36 p.m. at Brooklyn Center 2. The report says the incident was fatal, but it does not say the identity of the driver. However, the St. Cloud State University’s official confirmed their president was the only person on board of the car. The cause of the accident is yet to be confirmed by the authorities.
Ashish Vaidya is going to serve as acting president
Steven J. Rosenstone, Chancellor of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities posted the news today. He expressed how big of a loss, Earl H. Potter’s death means to the university both in an academic and moral way. He also announced that the University Provost Ashish Vaidya was going to be the acting president from now on. However, if Mr. Vaidya wants to be the Interim President, he has to present his case before the board next week which ultimately is going to choose Potter’s successor.
“Dear colleagues at St. Cloud State University. It is with tremendous sorrow that I write to share the tragic news that Earl H. Potter III, President of St. Cloud State University, died Monday evening in an automobile accident en route to the Twin Cities for a meeting with the Foundation Board Chair” said the report at the university’s website and social media.
The St. Cloud’s staff is expected to gather the alumni with family and friends to do a ceremony in honor of one of the most emblematic presidents the University has had in the coming days.
Source: SC Times