Billionaire space entrepreneur Robert Bigelow said aliens live among us on CBS’ “60 Minutes” on Sunday. Bigelow said his grandparents spotted a UFO on a canyon road outside Las Vegas once.
He told reporter Lara Logan the UFO sped up and came right into their face and filled up the entire windshield of the car until it took off at a right angle and shot off into the distance.
Billionaire space entrepreneur Robert Bigelow said aliens live among us. Image credit: Alien Invasion
The billionaire, who is the founder and CEO of the commercial space company Bigelow Aerospace, also noted he’s absolutely convinced that aliens exist, as he believes there has been and there is enough evidence.
Bigelow believes alien life is ‘right under our noses’
Bigelow’s remarks have received mixed reviews, as some coincide with him, while others think there is no refutable evidence aliens regularly appear on Earth.
“Obviously, I think that aliens are out there. The conditions for life seem to be very widespread. All the requirements for life are everywhere, that doesn’t prove life is everywhere,” said Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, according to Live Science. “Could they come here and be buzzing the skies and occasionally entertaining Bob Bigelow by visiting him? It doesn’t violate physics, but is it likely?”
Shostak believes it is unlikely because if it were true, humans would have better evidence by now for their Earthly invasion. However, Bigelow thinks otherwise, and when Logan asked him if he expected to see forms of intelligent life as humans explore the universe, he said that you don’t have to go anywhere, that it’s right “under our noses.”
Over 54 percent of Americans believe intelligent life capable of communications exists, according to a 2015 survey by marketing research firm YouGov. A lot of money and big minds have been put to the task of finding signs of aliens, with an entire institute called SETI devoted to that.
Shostak said Bigelow is not the only “Silicon Valley type entrepreneur” working in the tech industry that believes aliens are visiting us. However, he noted the substantial evidence of alien visitors is nonexistent. According to him, interstellar travel is tough, as it is an energy problem. Shostak noted there are no records of the ancient Romans worrying about UFO’s, which makes him question why would aliens visit us now.
“Well, if you really do think they’re here, then why is it that the evidence is so poor; if the evidence was so good, we wouldn’t be arguing about it, we’d be investigating it,” said Shostak, according to Live Science. “We have satellites monitoring the Earth all the time. And they don’t see these guys, and yet they’re apparently so visible that a random guy like Bob Bigelow can see them.”
Robert Bigelow. Image credit: Express
Astronomers search the entire universe for life
Stephen Hawking also believes that aliens exist, but he’s said people aren’t going to find them anytime soon. Not only he believes in their existence, but they could destroy humanity. Film director Ridley Scott, another believer, recently told Agency France-Presse (AFP) that extraterrestrial beings exist, and that if they ever decided to visit planet Earth, humans should watch out.
“If you are stupid enough to challenge them you will be taken out in three seconds,” Scott told AFP.
Winston Churchill also believed in ETs. Churchill once wrote he was not so immensely impressed by the success of the civilization that he was prepared to think we are the only spot in this immense universe, which according to him, contains living and thinking creatures. His essay regarding alien life was recently uncovered at the Churchill Museum in Fulton, Missouri.
Astronomers around the world are looking deeper into the universe for signs of extraterrestrial life, which may range from alien microbes to “little green men,” and they are using sophisticated equipment to detect radio signals or chemical signatures that could be explained by intelligent or biological processes.
Billions of dollars are spent looking for alien life
On Earth, NASA and other space agencies, both government and private, have spent billions of dollars on getting to know the Red Planet, as many hope to find signs of Martian life, according to Leonard David who published an article in Scientific American.
Several countries have already begun the “race for Mars,” to see who succeeds first in arriving at the Red Planet. Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, has repeatedly shared his plans for human colonization on Mars, which he believes could be achieved in the 2030s.
David, who is also the author of “Mars: Our Future on the Red Planet,” believes against all the odds, Mars has remained a poker-faced world that holds its cards tight. He noted that no convincing signs of life have emerged, but astrobiologists continue to “chip away” at finding the truth.