On Tuesday night, the Nevada Republican Caucus welcomed Donald Trump as he scored a 46 percent victory. This accounts for Trump’s third victory in a row as the caucuses also witnessed a record-breaking participation for the Silver State.

The possibilities for the billionaire with no political experience to become the GOP’s candidate are closer to become a reality. As Trump won the Nevada Republican Caucus its worth mentioning the previous victories earlier this month including South Carolina and New Hampshire.

On Tuesday night, the Nevada Republican Caucus welcomed Donald Trump as he scored a 46 percent victory. Photo credit: The Week / News Inn
On Tuesday night, the Nevada Republican Caucus welcomed Donald Trump as he scored a 46 percent victory. Photo credit: The Week / News Inn

Coming up in second place was Marco Rubio with a 24 percent, followed by Ted Cruz with a 21 percent, leaving Trump with a higher percentage than Rubio and Cruz’s numbers combined. While Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon turned out to have a 5 percent as well as John Kasich, Ohio Governor with a 4 percent.

Trump also made a statement mentioning he also expects to beat his challengers for the Republican ticket Senator Marco Rubio of Florida and Ohio Governor John Kasich in their home states.

The provocative allegations from the billionaire businessman come as no surprise given that Trump’s character is quite peculiar and somewhat aggressive.

Trump vs. Cruz

And that reason is persuading Republicans to turn on Trump’s campaign, as most don’t share his political views and courses of action.

According to an interview with Fox News regarding coming elections in Texas, Trump said he’s not backing down from a Lone Star showdown with Ted Cruz.

“Ted is the sitting senator there but we have a sitting senator in Florida and I’m number one by far in Florida,” said Trump. “That came out yesterday and people were really quite surprised, but very substantially number one in Ohio.”

There’s no way to predict what the results on Cruz’s home state will be, but it will sure give much to talk about. As of now, about half the delegates needed for a Republican candidate are available to win the GOP nomination. There’s still opportunity for other contenders to defeat Trump on the GOP nomination.

In Texas, Ted Cruz has a wide lead over his opponents, as it’s his home state, according to recent polls. On Tuesday night Cruz addressed his voters as he acknowledged his place on the GOP primaries. Texas stands as an opportunity for Ted Cruz to get back in the race as he only has a 21 percent coming up in third place.

Source: The Washington Post