In a meeting in Moscow on Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin and Iran’s defense minister Hossein Dehgan talked about strengthen military cooperation between the two countries.
The topics discussed at the meeting were about the delivery of advanced S-300 air defense systems. The purchase of powerful weapons including tanks and jet fighters were also addressed in the conference.
Iran’s defense minister Hossein Dehgan also met his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu. Sergei assured that Russia and Iran are ready to cooperate on regional and global issues.
It is important to remember that the Iranian regime’s defense minister has been involved in hostage taking and terrorism. He also said he hoped the meeting would build up stronger relations between both countries’ armed forces, according to a report from the Iranian Press TV.

It’s worth noticing that the United Nations passed a resolution forbidding Iran from making conventional arms sales within the next five years. With the UN’s resolution passed on July 20, there is no surprise that Iran is looking for allies to count on regarding the purchase of weapons of mass destruction.
Iran’s military has the goal to buy Russia’s most capable tank, the T-90, as well as the modern Su-30 Flanker fighter jets, said Dehgan. Iran is also interested in Russia’s Bastion mobile defense system, which is equipped with supersonic anti-ship missiles and a whole crew of Mi-8/17 helicopters.
The United Nations is closely watching to any transactions made from Iran and Russia and the State Department would address any concerns by speaking directly to Russia, according to Fox News. A month before Dehgan’s arrival to Moscow, Iran received billions of dollars worth of sanctions relief. These were made due to nuclear deals between Iran and world powers.
Nuclear deals and Iran’s potential allies
As the relations between Russia and Iran continue to grow stronger, Russian defense minister Shoigu hailed a “high level of trust” between the two countries. It is widely known that Russia and Iran have both supported Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during the last years of conflict in Syria. Due to the extreme situation, Syria is going through, both countries have joined forces in order to help the war-affected Syria.
According to General Dehgan, Iran defense minister, Tehran wants to expand its military and technical ties with Russia. Both nations are allies of Syria’s President and, therefore, have provided military support to his regime. The meeting of ministers of Russia and Iran was also focused on the execution of the nuclear contract between Tehran and world powers, as well as international efforts to reconcile the conflict in Syria.
Source: Big News Network
Why would any weapons contract between Iran and Russia be of US concern? The US cannot decide every other county’s capacity to buy weapons. If the US wants to control, it should make an effort to control Israel, which is a much larger danger than either Iran or Russia. And the US should reign in Soros who effectuated the EU migrant flood.
Both Iran and Israel are the two worst regimes on the planet, have been for some years. I can only hope the people of Iran will overthrow the gangsters posing as clerics in power.
You are very prejudiced about Khamenei. He is an excellent politician and diplomat, extremely farsighted and has to date outsmarted the US many times, which is the reason Iran is still the stable country it has been since the Iraq Iran war. Iran hasn’t attacked any other nation in 250 years. True that in terms of personal freedoms and legal punishments Iran needs some modernization. But that will come. Don’t forget that in the US sodomy was a crime until some 8 years ago. How did they know what people do in their bedroom? Then you realize that the sodomy laws were outlawing homosexuals. The supreme court in the USA abolished these laws very recently. Every country has some old laws that die difficultly. Iran did abolish the worst sharia punishments like stoning. But in the countryside it is still done. Which shows how difficult it is to modernize law.
But for the rest, Iran is a very interesting country with a secular government. Only the ayatollah is religious – i.e. the equivalent of the supreme court: he decides if government policies are in accord with the Quran. But hue also steers the Iranian government ship quite safely around the rocky passages and sees through the western lies and sneaky games very astutely. Don’t under estimate the Iranian government and Ayatollah. Without the latter, Iran would long have been destroyed by the USA.