Winter depression
Daniel Francis on 11th Dec

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is characterized by a...

Elderly adults, exercise
Daniel Francis on 06th Dec

Older adults in the United States are happier than younger adults, according to a survey by Gallup-Healthways. Adults older...

Daniel Francis on 29th Jul

A study published in The Lancet shows how physical inactivity is a significant disease burden, as it remains an issue without...

Hector Morales on 14th Jul

A Danish study says that taking up cycling can significantly reduce the risks of getting type 2 diabetes. It was published...

Geraldine Chacon on 03rd Jul

InTouchWeekly announced that Kourtney Kardashian, the oldest sister in the Kardashian family, may be expecting her fourth...

Daniel Contreras on 16th Jun

Researchers involved in a small study determined that a more programmatic and personalized therapy could help reverse the...

Daniel Contreras on 22nd May

After one federally funded study revealed  the reason why former Biggest Loser contestants gain most of the weight back...

Adam Kreller on 08th Apr

According to a recent study, not everything a gym can offer is benefits for the body. FitRader analyzed 27 pieces of workout...

Daniel Francis on 06th Apr

A new study has determined that people with higher fat levels in their blood coming from dairy, were 40 percent less likely...

Hector Morales on 06th Apr

Twitter announced on its blog they had updated its software on April 5, 2016. This means good news for people who like to...