Thailand – Jojo Fletcher chose Jordan Rodgers in the season finale of The Bachelorette. The show 12th season featured Joelle “JoJo” Fletcher, a Texan aged 25.
Previously, Fletcher was chosen as the runner-up on The Bachelor season 20. The show’s season finale was staged in Phuket, Thailand, and Jojo had to choose between Robby Hayes, a former competitive swimmer and Jordan Rodgers, a former professional quarterback. In the last episode, both men had to meet Jojo’s family to help her decide which one would be more suitable as a husband.

Robby Hayes meets Jojo’s family
Robby met the Fletchers while all were sitting on a couch, and Jojo’s mother took the opportunity to remind Hayes that her daughter is a ‘princess’ and should be treated as such.
Jojo’s father ended up crying, which according to Jojo ‘makes her love Robby more’. The parents told Jojo then that they want her to marry Hayes and that he already asked for her hand in marriage.
The bachelorette felt worried and asks, “what if I choose Robby, and this other life was a life that I was meant for.”
.@JoelleFletcher had a lot to think about this season on @BacheloretteABC… #BachelorNation
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) August 2, 2016
Jordan Rodgers meets Jojo’s family
On the other hand, Rodgers met the Fletchers while sitting around a dinner table, and bought gifts for all the members of the family.
This time, Jojo’s mother told Rodgers that he was his daughter ‘best friend’ and makes his swear he would never ‘break her heart.’
In contrast to Hayes, Rodgers got intimidated by Jojo’s father and did not ask for Jojo’s hand in marriage, which made Jojo frustrated.
Robby and Jordan final dates with Jojo
For their last date, Hayes took Jojo to the beach, and Hayes described what his perfect married life will be.
“We’re sitting on a couch waiting for dinner to finish. We have a dog, of course, and we hear the faint sound of children in the background. After a while, we smell our [meatloaf] dinner burning in the oven because we’ve been lost in conversation over a bottle of sauvignon blanc,” Hayes said.
Back at the hotel suite, he professes his love to her and promises to make her happy, giving her a gift of printed pictures of the two.
Rodgers took Jojo to a boat instead. During a conversation Rodgers confesses that he did not ask for permission to marry her, explaining that he was not sure if she loved him.
The final event
While Hayes picks up the engagement ring, Rodgers calls Jojo’s father to ask her hand in marriage finally, then writes Jojo a letter letting her know what happened and eventually goes to pick up his ring.
Finally, Hayes tries to propose to Jojo, who tells him that she ‘wanted it to be you’ and proceeds to break up with him. When is Rodgers turn, he tells her she is his best friend, and Jojo replies by telling him she loves him. When he proposes, she asked him if ‘this’ was real, and proceeded to said yes.
Afterward, Jojo and Hayes appeared on the ‘hot seat’, and Jojo explained to him that she said she loved him because she was emotional, but ‘it was important’ that he knew that.
A romantic proposal and a heartbreaking goodbye… Rewind and watch #TheBachelorette finale!
— Us Weekly (@usweekly) August 2, 2016
Source: The Baltimore Sun