Maria Gabriela Méndez

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Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT) has revealed through a self-explainable video on their Youtube channel, an innovative...

Tallahassee, Florida – Gov. Rick Scott has signed a law that affects preventive health services, given the fact that...

London- A new study held by the Kings College in London has found effective outcomes while stimulating the brain of patients...

According to a new study,  Earth’s moon hasn’t always looked as it does today. Researchers found that around 3 billion...

Paul Allen, philanthropist and Microsoft’s co-founder donate $100 million to Stanford and Tufts universities for bioscience...

On March 24th, The New York Times published an article titled “In NFL, Deeply Flawed Concussion Research and Ties to Big...

Cleveland-  Patients who suffer from heart disease are becoming younger and more obese throughout the years, according to...

The relationship between religion and science has been a subject of study since the beginnings of the human kind. According...

Florida- A new study held by neurologists at the University of Miami suggest that with hard exercise, older Americans can...

XKCD webcomics will now be a part of high school textbooks. The cartoonist Randall Munroe announced through his publisher...