Image credit: Texas Rock Gym
David Montes on 17th Dec

How many times you felt like you should benefit of a nice run on a beautiful day, but the only available route was passing...

Air pollution and bone loss, Pollution and osteoporosis, Bone loss
David Montes on 11th Nov

A team of international researchers recently found the more poor-quality air people breathe, the more damage they’re...

Pollution in the world today, Pollution consequences, Pollution air
David Montes on 20th Oct

A new study found that all kinds of pollution — air, water, soils, and workplaces — are killing at least nine million...

Daniel Contreras on 05th Jan

A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s controversial paper published in 2015 concluded there was no detectable...

Stephen Hawking
Daniel Contreras on 29th Jun

In an interview with Larry King, the famous physicist Stephen Hawking spoke about the biggest threats to humanity. Hawking,...

Daniel Contreras on 11th Jun

An international team of researchers has presented a global map that details the impact of light pollution. One-third of...

Melany Mejias on 16th May

Marine life in the Pacific Ocean is running out of oxygen as a consequence of high levels of air pollution drifting from...

Daniel Contreras on 12th May

People in low-income urban areas are the most impacted by increases in air pollution levels, said the World Health Organization...

Daniel Contreras on 07th Dec

Beijing – The highest populated country in the world has alerted its citizens with a smog code red, a signal that indicates...

Gabriela Cardona on 22nd Sep

A study published in the journal Nature found that more than 3.3 million people die per year worldwide due to air pollution,...