Late-middle-aged people working out, Four to five days of exercise, Healthier hearts, Sedentary lifestyle
David Montes on 10th Jan

When asked about what late-middle-aged people could do to be healthier and extend their lives, American researchers suggest...

Image credit: Texas Rock Gym
David Montes on 17th Dec

How many times you felt like you should benefit of a nice run on a beautiful day, but the only available route was passing...

Daniel Contreras on 09th Sep

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association in September suggests that regular exercise can...

Daniel Francis on 09th Sep

Exercising regularly was proven to “cancel out” the risk of developing cancer-related to drinking, while also reducing...

Irene Rondon on 09th Jul

A new study reveals that physical activity might alleviate emotional stress and improves subjective memory in breast cancer...