Fidel "Fidelito" Ángel Castro Díaz-Balart commits suicide, Fidel Castro's son kill himself
David Montes on 02nd Feb

Fidel “Fidelito” Castro Díaz-Balart, known for being the first descendant of the former President of Cuba,  Fidel...

Cuban diplomats expelled from the US, US expels Cuban diplomats
Melany Mejias on 03rd Oct

The U.S. State Department announced Tuesday it will expel 15 Cuban diplomats from the embassy in Washington. They must leave...

Hundreds of Cuban citizens won't be able to issue visas to visit the U.S. Image credit: Reuters
Adriana Bello on 29th Sep

The U.S. State Department announced on Friday that nonessential diplomats and their families are being ordered to leave Cuba,...

Obama 9/11

On Friday, President Barack Obama announced the lifting of a 50-year commercial ban on Cuban cigars and rum. Americans can...

Cuba, U.S., Commercial Flight
Daniel Contreras on 31st Aug

For the first time in over fifty years, a commercial flight will take off from the United States via Cuba. The aircraft will...

Daniel Contreras on 29th Jul

JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU) announced Friday that their commercial route to Cuba would start on August 31, 2016. The airline intends...

Melany Mejias on 02nd May

Havana, Cuba – After nearly 40 years, commercial travels on waters between Cuba and the United States resumed on Monday...

Daniel Contreras on 08th Apr

On a rare sight for people in Cuba, former Cuban President Fidel Castro showed itself in public since nearly a year to visit...

Hector Morales on 21st Mar

The Air Force One landed in Cuba today at 4:16 P.m. On board, President Barack Obama prepared himself to make history in...

Daniel Contreras on 20th Mar

Nearly 90 years have passed since the last American president set foot in Cuba, therefore, Obama’s visit has the whole...