Oklahoma City – Oklahoma’s governor and Florida Senator Marco Rubio took the stage at the Chevy Bricktown Events Center on Friday afternoon.
In front of perhaps the biggest crowd the Senator has ever gotten in this state, he responded to verbal attacks he has received from his competitions with more attacks, presenting himself as a young, fresh face for the Republican Party.
Rubio has been criticized by candidates such as businessman Donald Trump saying his comparatively young age makes him a political “lightweight” and too inexperienced to run the country. Now, Rubio stayed on offense Friday by attacking Trump’s positions.

This time, national cable networks played his speech live, showing support to the self-claimed underdog of the GOP, while he criticized Trump, but as soon as Rubio switched tacks to deliver his positive stump speech, the networks cut away.
Rubio humiliates Trump
The senator used the Oklahoma City speech to fight back the constant criticism the businessman has done against him by listing extensive assessments against the republican candidate, including Trump hypocrisy on illegal immigration.
“The Trump Tower was built by illegal immigrants from Poland who he paid $4-an-hour,” the senator said to the crowd of cheering supporters who laughed with him while he made fun of the current the republican party frontrunner.
Rubio continued his criticism saying that Trump’s claim he is a tough, while in reality, he is the first guy that asked for Secret Service protection. He also commented on Trump’s inexperience with national security issues putting as an example that he thinks the nuclear triad is some punk rock band from Europe.
Rubio and Cruz team up to comment on Trump
Oklahoma was not the first time the Florida senator used his speech to criticize Trump. A few hours earlier, he and Ted Cruz joined forces in Houston on Thursday, to take repeated swings at Trump in a debate at the University of Houston.
There, Rubio called the businessman a con artist and he questioned the conservative credentials of a guy who had previously said he was pro-choice and in favor of gay rights.
In not so political matters, Rubio made fun of Trump too, for instance, his bladder control:
“He wanted a full-length mirror. Maybe to make sure his pants weren’t wet, I don’t know,” Rubio says, mocking Trump’s nerves during a commercial break at Thursday night’s debate.
The senator even made fun of the businessmen spelling saying that he must have hired foreign workers to handle his Twitter. The senator was referring to the Trump’s tweets that included misspellings of the words “choked, honor and lightweight”
The Texas Primary is March 1, Super Tuesday. Trump, who has won three of the GOP’s first four nominating contests, leads the polls in every Super Tuesday state but Texas.
Source: The Washington Post