The Islamist group, Boko Haram, armed with guns and explosives attacked the village of Dalori, near to the city of Maiduguri, north-eastern Nigeria, killing at least 50 people this Saturday evening.
Fire flames could be seen and screams of children could be heard from Maiduguri which is six or seven miles away from Dalori. Boko Haram fighters opened fire on residents, set fire to houses and targeted a crowd with suicide bombers, as seen on pictures that show the result of the attack with burned-out buildings and charred livestock. Survivors said that the shooting continued for hours and destroyed the village almost completely.

In the same week, there have been three attacks that are suspected to be carried out by this same group, and this one beeing the third one and most deadly of them all. Boko Haram started losing control over the territory, so it began attacking villages mainly on places of worship or markets.
“During the incident lives were lost while some people sustained injuries,” said the army spokesman, Colonel Mustapha Anka. He also said that the group entered Dalori in two cars and on motorcycles while opening fire on villagers and burning down buildings.
The exact number of poeple killed in the incident remains unkown. Residents of the village informed that at least 50 people were killed but 65 bodies were counted at the morgue. There were 12 bodies that were impossible to be recognized since they were terribly burned. An official of the State Emergency Agency said: “We can’t even pick those ones, they were seriously burnt”.
Maiduguri was also attacked by the same group with several bombings at the end of December, and at least 48 people were killed in the incident. During the last seven years, thousands of people have been killed and others have been displaced while the territory is trying to become an Islamist stated. In the last few years, Maiduguri has become the city that receives most of the displaced population and refugees.
But Boko Haram attacks are not limited only to Nigeria. In the Lake Chad region, that marks off the border among the countries of Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon and Niger, suicide bombers have attacked two Chadian villages killing three people. The first attack took place in the village of Guie, where one person was killed and other 32 resulted injured; and the second attack took place in the village of Miterine, where two persons where killed and 24 injured. These four countries have unified together, along with Benin, to fight Boko Haram.
Source: Reuters