The lack of original posts on the news feed of Facebook is becoming a major concern for the company. The social media is looking forward to knowing more about people’s personal lives, trying to find a solution for the problem.
Facebook was originally created for users to share important moments from their lives like engagement announcements, baby pictures, vacations photos, family and friends get-togethers, and all kinds of information. Recently, those posts had been reduced. People are changing their behavior from sharing personal information to posting videos and web links that do not relate to their personal lives.

People have been feeling less enthusiastic and less willing to post updates about their lives as their list of friends grows. This is becoming an issue because original posts are one of the sources of income of this social network.
The decline in personal sharing it might be due to people feeling less comfortable sharing personal moments with not-so-close friends since they might think is the irrelevant content. Also, the decrease of sharing might be because of the release and improvements to apps like Instagram, Snapchat, and Whatsapp.
In 2015, the corporation said that it has experienced a 21 percent decline a year-over-year in original sharing.
Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg said that Facebook needs to inspire personal sharing. The company has recently created a possible solution, a feature launched last year called “On This Day”, which brings up users memories from past years, or reminders of special occasions. Facebook has also prompted users to post the most recent photos and other recently accessed content from their phones.
Facebook also made another move, introducing a live video tool that everyone can use. Zuckerberg made a video on Tuesday to encourage people to post these live videos, saying that they can do them whenever and wherever they want. He also said the smallest activities could be entertaining, and that they should post them.
“People continue to share a ton on Facebook, and the overall level of sharing has remained not only strong but similar to levels in prior years,” said Facebook in an official statement. They stated that the problem is the lack of personal sharing.
Source: Tech Times