According to mobile reporter Evan Blass, Google will release Android 7.0 Nougat alongside its newest security patch.
Usually, Google releases the latest mobile OS update on each year’s last quarter. It also appears that Nexus 5 owners will have to wait for the global release of Nougat, as Nexus phones tend to receive the update before other brands of smartphone. If Nougat is released in August, it means that Google has pushed forward its release date. But there is nothing that forbids the company from releasing their newest mobile OS this month.

Waiting for Nougat
On the other hand, it is known that LG’s V20 will feature Android 7.0 Nougat at the time of purchase. According to LG, the V20 will be released in September, which would also be a much earlier release date than usual. It all points out to the fact that Android Nougat 7.0 is ready to roll out to the market. If Blass’s tip is true, then users may be able to download the 7.0 update as soon as Friday.
TechRadar recently released a video explaining how to install an early version of Android Nougat 7.0. Because it is an unfinished version, it is teeming with bugs and errors, so if you’re afraid of bricking your device then it is better to just wait for the official release.
Although the update appears to be ready, Google did not want to announce it at Google IO 2016 back in May, probably because developers still need time to adapt to the new features it brings to Android smartphones.
Some of Android 7.0 features
One of the newer features is that apps will now show their source information. Whenever the user taps an App Info section, it will be able to see whether the app was downloaded from the Play Store, if it was installed as a third-party or if it was installed by another app. This will be immensely helpful to find intrusive apps that fill smartphones with malicious advertising.
Users have also praised Google for finally implementing a feature that has been available on iOS devices for years. The Google Camera 4.1 app now allows the user to customize functions using the volume buttons. The volume buttons on the side of the device can now be programmed to change zoom and to activate the camera shutter.
Also, seeing that it has now become an unavoidable field in entertainment and interactivity, Android 7.0 Nougat appears to have VR compatibility. Although the Nougat demos only show a couple of options that include VR on its description, users can be sure that further VR compatibility will be implemented as updates keep rolling to the public.
All of these features were witnessed on Android N Developer previews or demos. For the final release, there will be much more information concerning the specifics of what the new version of Google’s mobile OS will bring to the latest generation of smartphones.
To download the latest Android N Developer preview, users can visit this link.
Source: CNET