Amazon, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) announced it will keep improving its AWS (Amazon Web Services) by adding new tools and services, being the most innovative cloud service over Google and Microsoft.
Last week in Las Vegas at the re: Invent 2015 conference, Jerry Hunter, the vice president of infrastructure at AWS, talked about how the company developed its own software for its operations. Although he didn’t unveil all the details, he showed some to the public attendant.

One of the most important features are the costumed servers, designed specifically for the software they are supporting. Amazon felt in need to create them after a massive flooding in Thailand in 2011, causing a disrupt in the manufacturing of its servers for months, being under water.
“The lesson we learned is that disasters happen, and you need to be in control of your supply chain,” said Hunter in the conference.
Also, AWS added a new service with IoT technology (Internet of Things), that works with a concept of “thing shadows” that are virtual representations of the very objects connected to the service by sensors, allowing the user to collect data and link the products to other services.
People starting their services with Amazon QuickSight software will pay a low monthly fee, eliminating up-front costs of long-term licenses and annual maintenance.
Amazon gained success with their storage and computing services, along with the cloud technology that they keep developing. Experts say that some of this services may be good or may be bad, but they always keep innovating, attracting small business and large companies as well.
Unlike their competitors, Amazon doesn’t slow down and works every day to grow as a software provider, because they have a culture that runs like “little startups,” which stands for creating something new in a continuous way.
Amazon Web Services operate at a larger scale than any of its customers, allowing them to have the best cost for computing and storage services. This brings them the opportunity of investing in the latest hardware and infrastructure, positioning them on the top.
Over the course of the year, AWS has launched nearly 500 product features, revealing they never stop in spite of success. The cloud market keeps growing and AWS holds the larger part of it, although other enterprises like Google and Microsoft sure won’t stay behind.
Source: TechCrunch