What to do if You’ve Lost Your Desire to Exercise?

The wall. You know all about it. It is a formidable barrier. Once you hit it, it’s tough to keep going, especially when it relates to your exercise regimen. For many folks, it’s inexplicable how you can go from being exercise conscious of being exercise averse. Aging? Apathy? Apoplexy? Whatever the cause, there are ways to get back into the swing of things, even if it takes some doing. Believe it or not, many folks go through this cycle. It’s almost as if you’ve lost interest, but at the back of your mind, you know that working out is absolutely imperative to your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. People all over the world struggle with motivation, dedication, and commitment to a regular, strenuous, exercise regimen.

Why pray to tell does this happens to us? Psychologists, doctors, personal trainers, and life coaches attribute the fluctuations in desire for exercising to a host of factors. Experts routinely equate the loss of desire to perform a repetitive action to lack of variation in technique, methodology, or behavior. For example, if you played card games and always lost, you would lose motivation. But if you learned the rules of the game at www.slotsheaven.com/ca/blackjack/lucky/, used probability analysis, and then employed these strategies in your gaming sessions, you would be much more motivated to play.

Foremost among the reasons for lack of desire are fatigue, stress, and diet. Age is just a number. We are all in agreement that exercise is part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. It helps to alleviate stress, but it requires tremendous effort to exercise on a regular basis. Sometimes, even the thought of the gym is exhausting. Yet, effort needs to be expended for results to be attained. This invariably leads to the topic of motivation.

Exercise Drivers: It’s Time to Get up and Go!

  • Flabby arms
  • Bulging waistline
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • A general feeling of malaise
  • Decreased stamina and endurance
  • Other people look so darn good for the age

Whatever your motivating factor, know that the right exercise regimen will have a positive effect on your well-being. As alluded to in Pulse Headlines, exercise does many great things for your body and your mind. It gives you more energy, makes you feel happier, reduces your risks of contracting many chronic diseases, keeps your skin healthier, and improves your sleep. Those are definitely pulled factors calling you back into the gym.

A problem that many folks encounter when they hit the gym is that of overtraining. If you push your body beyond its limits without being ready for that type of punishment, you may incur injuries. This will serve as a deterrent to continued exercise, particularly if you start suffering from torn tendons, torn muscles, slipped discs, fractures, or other elements. In the gym, gains are incremental. It takes time to build up to a 200-pound bench press, or a 45-pound dumbbell curl. Start small and work your way up. It doesn’t matter where you are in the exercise spectrum. Your workouts are for you to improve your body’s conditioning, not for the meathead in his vest squatting 500 pounds, or bench pressing 250.

It’s worth reiterating: Your gym workouts are expressly for your well-being.

How to Get Motivated for Your Gym Sessions?

Set goals. If you’re feeling tired, get some sleep. If you’re not eating well, change your diet. Believe it or not, the biggest bugbears to the efficacy of your gym sessions are food and fatigue. Get those under control, and you’ll be well-positioned to hit the gym in a big way. Motivation and goals go hand in hand. Set goals and go for it. Procrastination serves no purpose – over-analysis leads to paralysis. As the legendary Ronnie Coleman used to say, ‘Ain’t nothing to it but to do it. Lightweights, baby!’

Categories: Editorials
Pablo Luna:
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