Apple reports sale drops, Apple's sales, Apple sales decline, Apple bug iPhone 7
Stephanie La Rosa on 03rd Feb

Apple, the technology-based company, expected to have its greatest quarter in their history, according to CEO Tim Cook. The...

Apple facing lawsuits, iPhone battery life, Slowing down
David Montes on 28th Dec

People are not happy because Apple admitted it deliberately made iPhones slower after users updated their software. The...

iPhone X launch, Apple's iPhone X, New iPhone
David Montes on 03rd Nov

Today, people were finally able to purchase the new iPhone X after it was announced at the September 12 Apple conference...

Animoji trademark, Apple trademarck infringement, Apple Animoji
David Montes on 20th Oct

Animoji, the newest iPhone X feature that Apple announced at its September 12 event, is not one-of-a-kind. In fact, it’s...