NASA, Arctic ice pack, Arctic, Ice
Stephanie La Rosa on 25th Apr

The airborne mission that flies annually over the polar regions, NASA’s Operation IceBridge, is celebrating its tenth-anniversary...

Daniel Contreras on 25th Feb

A critically ill woman was apprehended this Wednesday from Huguley Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas and taken to a detention...

Daniel Contreras on 06th Nov

Every time you emit a ton of carbon dioxide (CO2), three square meters of Arctic summer sea ice disappear, contributing to...

Daniel Contreras on 15th Sep

Siberia – Five Russian scientists, who are in charge of the weather station on Troynoy Island, were forced to stop...

Daniel Contreras on 19th Aug

Global warming is happening. 2015 had been declared the hottest year since 1880, and now this last July is registered as...


NASA’s discovery mission Dawn has recently found ice craters on a dwarf planet called Ceres. It appears the rocky planet...

Hector Morales on 06th Jul

A group of scientists found evidence that the Antarctic sea-ice sheet is not melting due to climate change. It is actually...

Nathalie Fernandez on 28th Apr

British scientists revealed during the recent meeting of the European Geosciences Union in Vienna, that there is a hidden...

Maria Eugenia on 26th Apr

Climate change is directly affecting the Adélie, Chinstrap and gentoo penguin species in the Antarctic Peninsula, as it quickly...

Daniel Contreras on 31st Mar

Sea levels may increase up to 50 feet by 2500, if Antarctic ice sheet melting caused by greenhouse gas emissions is still...