Man with a flu
Daniel Francis on 14th Jan

Flu season affects the United States annually, primarily starting in late fall, and ending in early spring after it has reached...

bill gates
Jesus Molina on 30th Dec

The billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates has warned about the risk of an epidemic that could be dangerous for humanity...

Man with a flu
Melany Mejias on 11th Nov

A new investigation from the University of Arizona revealed that the year people were born could play a significant role...

Flu Shot
Daniel Contreras on 18th Sep

Kids need to get their flu shot the traditional way because U.S. health officials stated the nasal spray version does not...

Daniel Contreras on 23rd Jun

Americans should not use the nasal spray flu vaccine during the 2016-2017 flu season, according to new recommendations from...

Daniel Contreras on 21st Dec

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended people to get vaccinated against flu despite this year’s...