Baby with asthma
Daniel Contreras on 29th Dec

A Danish study found that mothers who took fish oil supplements during their last trimester of pregnancy had babies with...

A new study shows that processed meat is not healthy for people with asthma. Researchers believe that eating ham, sausages...


Melbourne, Australia – Six people have died already and at least five more are at great risk after a rare illness called...

Asthma attack

Asthma patients might benefit from taking Vitamin D supplements, according to a recent study held by English researchers...

Asthma attack
Daniel Francis on 08th Sep

A new drug called Benralizumab showed promising results in reducing asthma attacks that cannot be prevented or treated by...

Irene Rondon on 04th Aug

Researchers discovered that microbiome composition in farmers’ dust homes might prevent allergies in children. It was unveiled...

Daniel Francis on 18th Jul

A study published in the journal JAMA explains how asthma flares can be caused by unconventional gas development (UNGD),...

Hector Morales on 07th Jul

A picture of a father sleeping under the crib where his sick son was sleeping has gone viral. His wife, Amy Palmer, took...

Melany Mejias on 14th Mar

The season of spring allergy is starting early in several parts of the United States this year, with pollen increasing about...

Emmanuel Ferreira on 03rd Nov

Stockholm, Sweden – Exposing young children to dogs may lower the risk of suffering asthma. According to the World...