Kepler-90, Star system, NASA and Google
David Montes on 15th Dec

For the first time, our Solar System’s star is not the only one surrounded by eight different planets. According to data...

Dingo, dog, Tasmanian tiger, Thylecine, Marsupial, Australia, Melbourne
David Montes on 11th Dec

The last time humanity was able to see a living thylacine was on September 7th, 1936, in a zoo in Hobart, Australia. Since...

Waves colliding, The Earth Moving, The hum of the Earth,
David Montes on 09th Dec

A new study showed Wednesday that the Earth is continually provoking a hum: a sound that vibrates at such a low frequency...

Juno, Jupiter, NASA, Clouds, Jupiter storm, Storm in Jupiter, Jupiter clouds
David Montes on 03rd Dec

NASA has just released a series of photos of Jupiter taken by Juno mission spacecraft, and we are quite enjoying the incredible...

Ash covering continents, Super volcano, Massive eruption, Super eruption, Apocalyptic eruption
David Montes on 29th Nov

A massive volcanic activity could happen sooner than scientists already estimated, as a new research published Wednesday...

Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf, Wildlife underneath the shelf, Light passing through the shelf
David Montes on 25th Nov

A group of international scientists expressed new concerns about rapid changes in wildlife beneath Antarctica’s Ross...

Earthqueakes in 2018, Earthqueake predictions, Earthqueakes in tropical areas

There will be more earthquakes in 2018, according to a new study made by scientists from the University of Colorado and the...

Passenger pigeon, Passenger pigeon extinction, Extinct species, Ectopistes migratorius, Passenger pigeon population
David Montes on 18th Nov

A new study shared this Friday further hints on why passenger pigeons — once the most abundant bird species in all North...

Sea cow, Steller's sea cow, Sea mammal in Russia
David Montes on 17th Nov

Russian investigators found an immense extinct sea mammal buried in grounds of the country’s eastern coastline. The nature...

Temperature in Pluto, Haze covering Pluto, Pluto haze
David Montes on 15th Nov

New findings coming directly from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft cleared on Wednesday that the temperature in Pluto is...