Hector Morales on 10th Mar

A study reveals that processing and eating meat paved the way for modern humans. The research was led by Katherine D. Zink...

Maria Jose Inojosa on 09th Mar

Hayama, Japan – Japanese researchers from the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI) have discovered that...

Melany Mejias on 09th Mar

SAN FRANCISCO – Scientists at the University of California, San Francisco, studied a hydra, a tiny strange sea creature...

Melany Mejias on 09th Mar

The total solar eclipse of 2016 took over the skies in Indonesia and the Pacific Ocean region on Tuesday evening and people...

Daniel Contreras on 09th Mar

On Tuesday, the private space company Blue Origin announced its plans to launch an orbital rocket with human pilots in its...

Daniel Contreras on 09th Mar

Scientists discovered a virus related to the well known HIV virus that has been haunting a wide range of animals since ancient...

Irene Rondon on 08th Mar

The nanotechnology company Surrey NanoSystem has announced this week that they have made a new darker version of the Vantablack,...

Daniel Contreras on 08th Mar

Since the planet Mercury, it’s the closest to orbit around the Sun, studying the planet has become a difficult task to...

Hector Morales on 08th Mar

Science Advances published the result of a research on March 04, 2016. The article describes the study of 12 lizard fossils...

Daniel Contreras on 08th Mar

As Hurricanes are a devastating force that can wipe out entire sectors, their anticipated forecast it’s a must. Now, researchers...