Why Should You Be Utilizing Unified Communications and Collaboration?

Ever wondered how to combine all of your organizational tools under a single roof? Starting from your email list to the business’s virtual phone number, your desktop screen to conferencing apps, is there a way to unite all of these? If you would have raised this question a decade ago, the answer would probably have been a no.

However, with the onset of digital tools and the advent of a modern business framework, we do have solutions that work towards an increasing end to end business collaboration. One of these accounts for Unified Communication and Collaboration tools.

So, what is this unified communication and collaboration?

UC&C is a collection or a group of solutions bundled together to facilitate real-time interaction and collaboration within an organization. It isn’t a single tool or a product, instead of a fusion of all bringing them to understand a single roof. Put simply, it allows organizations to unite all of their business processes, warding off the siloed infrastructure.

However, that’s not enough to justify the importance of UC&C. The technology has a lot more to offer than we can actually anticipate and to help you out, here we have outlined some of the core benefits of adopting the unified communication technology within your business workforce

Why Should You Consider Migrating To UC&C?

As an enterprise-grade software solution, unified communication and collaboration offer an extensive range of benefits.

  • Improved Customer Experience

To begin with, customers are the king and regardless of the business type, they are the drivers of success. And so, it is important that your business operations are aligned with their expectations.

Imagine a potential customer trying to connect with you around 2’o clock. It is probably a lunch break and so you aren’t at your desk. If your organization is still restricted to traditional communication tools, odds are you will miss the call. However, not with modern collaboration tools.

Having a unified channel gives employees the ease to connect with potential customers at all hours of the day. Whether they are at work or traveling, at home, or in a cab, they can seamlessly access the communication channels to connect with customers, prioritizing their needs.

  • Enhanced Team Productivity

Apart from the fact that UC & C tends to improve the quality of customer interaction and communication, they are a plus for the employees as well. Earlier when there were multiple channels for communication, employees has to switch between them to find customer information. This used to consume a lot of time, leading to wastage of resources. Today, since every information is present under a single platform, employees simply need to click on the ID and the entire history gets displayed.

Even if they are on a call, they can get access to the customer information in a matter of clicks.

  • Leads To Automation

Such platforms are well-staffed with tools that can automate the majority of tasks. Imagine that a customer calls at your business’s virtual phone number. The call is first passed through an automated answering system. Based on the responses fed by the customer, the call is automatically transferred to the correct agent and while doing so, the customer’s information is also shared. So, till the time the call reaches to the agent, he/she has all the information about the customer already in place.

The customer need not provide the same information twice, saving time and improving the efficiency of the business. In addition to this, automation tools are embedded within the system so as to promote real-time information access to all parts of the system. In case the sales team has just hitched a deal, the customer information is shared instantly with the manufacturing team to get started on the same.

  • Cost-Reduction

Another advantage of using unified tools for communication is cost optimization. It is a known fact that hosting multiple channels of communication will definitely cost you more. Not to mention the efforts needed to manage and monitor the same.

On the other hand, adopting a single channel with ubiquitous access cuts down the extra resources and the cost associated with it. The organization can now have a better and integrated infrastructure, at a lesser price. Also, it reduces the possibility of errors. The fact that it is available as a cloud-based solution, the vendors are in constant touch and do all to make sure the system runs better.


Whether you shift your organizational communication setup to a unified channel or not, is totally your decision. You might wish to migrate today or sometime later, eventually, the change has to be made. The market for unified communications and collaboration is increasing at a steady pace. More and more organizations are inching towards integrating their workforce. Procrastinating and avoiding change will only delay your organizational growth. Be wise enough to make the call at the earliest.

Categories: Technology
Pablo Luna:
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